15 different types of content projects I’ve worked on in the last financial year (with some links)
Year 3 of running my own business was all about diversifying income streams (and survival!). Here’s some of the content projects I worked on which show how it panned out. Thanks to everyone for their support to date.
Content Projects
I’m always happy to add to this list of content projects if anyone wants to get in touch!
Here they are (I’ve included links where possible too):
1. Producing 2 customer magazines for an independent family-run travel company
2. Blog writing and content strategy for a SAAS start-up
3. Producing thought leadership articles for a London-based challenger bank
4. Conducting a City-based CEO interview for an Australian business feature
5. Overseeing an online commercial content project about the history of concept cars
6. Writing up a set of staff interviews for British Sugar Review magazine
7. Delivering ‘Think Like a Journalist’ courses to businesses
8. Consulting work to review an in-house business membership magazine
9. Creating a brochure to showcase commercial opportunities at a business park
10. Hosting a Norfolk Chamber business Question and Answer event with MPs
11. Delivering media training to housing association senior managers
12. Writing scripts for the UK launch of a new US e-learning venture
13. Creating a staff handbook
14. Press release and blog for a growing manufacturer
15. Meeting the King of the Netherlands
Helping your business to think like publishers
All businesses need to think like publishers and this list of content projects shows the scope and scale of what I can offer. If you’re interested in how I work then you might find this blog interesting too. And to learn about my approach to pricing for content packages then check out this blog too
The call to action bit: If you can create content yourself then my advice to you is to do it yourself or as much as you can. Where I can help you is to bring editorial and publishing experience into your processes, and journalistic thinking into your writing and approach. If that sounds like a good fit then get in touch!
If you have enjoyed reading this or think you know someone who might benefit from working with me then why not share on social below?