Writing your business award entry at the last minute? Check out this deadline day offer
Writing your business award entry need not be difficult. But if you’ve left it right until the last minute there is no time to lose – skip the rest of this blog and go straight to this offer:
£90+VAT I will look at your entry and tell you any changes you need to make.
£300+VAT I’ll write it for you from scratch (I’ll need at least 48 hours before the closing date)
Any entry that fails to get shortlisted I will repurpose as a press release or blog at NO EXTRA COST
Forget the contact form on this site, there’s no time for that – call me on 07708 855 486
Take a deep breath
If you’ve got a bit more time on your hands then read on…
Firstly, congratulations on being ahead of the game! Yet it may well be that the thought of sitting down and writing a business award entry is sending you into a cold sweat before you have even started.
Don’t Panic (too much)
There are several reasons for this. These include:
- You’ve left it to the last minute (see above)
- You don’t know what to say about yourself
- You don’t know what the judges are looking for
Happily all of these are within your control to do something about – unless you really have left it until the last minute, in which case it might be too late.. (this time at least)
So try not to be put off. Let’s remember why you want to enter in the first place – awards are great for giving you some great PR and marketing coverage, as well as creating a buzz among staff and clients if you are shortlisted or better still if you win. It can also feel like a validation of everything that you have been working hard to achieve.
So what’s not to like?
It’s just that when we are all rushing around trying to do the day job, finding the time to write up a submission can often be the biggest barrier to entering – particularly if you’ve been putting off writing your business award entry for ages and now the deadline is looming.
I oversaw the development of a major business award campaign for many years, so I’ve got a lot of experience of what judges look for – so if you’re feeling overwhelmed at the prospective of writing your business award entry here are my tips to lower your stress levels:
- Don’t leave it to the last minute to enter (assuming here you’re not in a panic that is) – crucially important, and yet let’s face it, most people are guilty of this. In fact it may well be why you are reading this now. Give yourself time to go through the entry and in particular the entry criteria. Get a colleague or friend to check it over to make sure you have covered the most important points.
- Including a good quality picture is a MUST, or even some video as long as the quality is up to it – no shots of the company carpark please, however interesting you think it might be – yes I have actually seen that! Many awards will allow you to upload this kind of content. Personally, I’d recommend using the services of a professional photographer if you can – you can always add these photos to your ‘media library’ and use for future PR and marketing (don’t yet have a media library..?)
- Think about the category you are entering and why your business or organisation is a good fit. Many people like to adopt the scattergun approach, and enter several categories, some just one. It’s your call, but most importantly of all READ THE CRITERIA! I’ve been amazed over the years how businesses just fling in entries with no regard to what the category actually asks for. When writing your business award entry try to match up your words with the criteria the judges are actually looking for and you stand a better chance of success.
- Get someone to produce your entry for you! Actually if you follow the first three tips you should be fine, but if you are looking for someone to help, then you have come to the right place…as long as it’s not five to midnight!
If you’ve written your business award entry but just want someone to run the rule over it, then for £90+VAT I go through your entry and tell you any changes you need to make (I need at least 12 hours notice).
If you’re looking for someone to write your award entry from scratch I will do it for £300+VAT (I’ll need at least 48 hours notice)
I can’t guarantee that your entry will be shortlisted I’m afraid, so if, after we speak, I don’t think you should enter then I’ll tell you and there’ll be no charge for my time.
If I’m writing your business award entry for you and you are not shortlisted then once you have paid the invoice, I will repurpose your entry into a press release or blog post for FREE.
Read this if you want to know more about my pricing
Why not share this below with five other people who you know that leave things to the last minute!